Sleeping Gargoyle Sleeping Gargoyle Tank Top

This remarkable gargoyle rests at ground level on one of the most ornately decorated buildings in New York City.

One of the most ancient and widespread gods worshipped all over pagan Celtic Europe was the horned god. To Christians he usually represents the Devil or other forces of evil. Whatever the original significance of this gargoyle it is clear what the symbolism would be to people of the medieval times. The crude, sinister power would be symbolic of all the forces constantly battled against the forces of Good.

None of the portrait-like detail of this design is lost when it is custom silk screened onto 100% cotton, heavy guage T-shirts for you. When you wear this design you are not only wearing one of the most remarkable gargoyles on the east coast, but you also have the moment that it was photographed, including the shadows thrown by the sunlight, captured forever on a T-shirt that you can wear for years to come.

To get a better look at the superb detail of this gargoyle, click on the T-shirt image.

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